Friday, June 26, 2009


Hi there! Welcome to my little culinary experiment. I am a 25 year old accountant with a strong desire to expand my horizons in the world of food. As the child of a single mother who worked full time and went to school, meals were more about convenience and ease than variety. Growing up in a small town in East Texas, confined to Tex-Mex and barbecue, I was unaware of the possibilities of flavor. Now I live in the Big City (Dallas/Fort Worth) and have had my eyes opened to how amazing food can truly be, which has given me a passion for it. I have been following blogs and stocking up on cookbooks and magazines but haven't been very brave when it comes to cooking new things. I'm ready to begin, and invite you to follow my journey.

I don't have a food post ready just yet; I have a very delicious recipe for a Hazelnut Torte from my grandmother (my favorite WWC = Woman Who Cooks) and I will have it up soon.

Thanks for stopping by! See you again soon.


Unknown said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you on venturing out of the "hamburger helper" box! I look forward to reading all about your adventures becoming a WWC!

Stephie said...

great idea big boss! i'm super excited to see where your journey takes your. i can tell that i will definitely be inspired to attempt a few recipes of yours eventually :)